Sunday, April 15, 2012

DIY Activites


I love repurposing old things or customizing new stuff. I'm a horder. I'll admit it, so the way that I let myself keep things, is by repurposing them and using them for something else. A few weeks ago, I posted a list of things I would like to make on my Tumblr. It is a list of (mainly) DIY things and two cooking projects (hummus and cup cakes).

Watch this space for updates on what I do.

I also have some questions for you:
1. What projects should I start first?
2. Would you like a DIY post for every project or just some (its your chance to control what you read on this blog)?

Take Care Dah-lings,
Bia x

Spring Style: Must Haves

Saturday, April 14, 2012


By Bia

Hello (again),

Yesterday I spent the day at a food and music festival-thingy. It was a stunning day and the atmosphere was wonderful. Everyone was happy listening to music and eating delicious food. This is the outfit I wore. The smock is from chicwish. I love, love, love their clothing and I am hoping to get some more soon. The dress I bought in India at a store called Anokhi. When I bought the candyfloss, it was double its size and it was HUGE. My sister and I shared it and there was so much we shared it with all the people we were with. 

Smock -, Dress - Anokhi, Sandals - Aldo

Take care and have a good week,
Bia xxx

This is very overdue...

Hiya guys,

Ren and I are listening to our friend Beka practice her part for our history project. I thought this look was posted on the blog, but it seems it wasn't. Told you I would post a new look. Well, actually, I've posted TWO!
I've also compiled a list of DIY projects I would like to do. That will also be up on this blog soon :D.

So this is the look, Ren and Beka and Brown-Tea (our other friend) came over to work on our project, and I drew out a hopscoth thingy and I was playing hopscotch in the street.

Blazar - Zara, Tee - Zara, Jeans - ???, Shoes - Rage