Thursday, June 21, 2012

Children of the Revolution


Today I decided to post a look :). It's called 'Children of the Revolution' and is named after the song by T-Rex (link below).
Summer has started, exams are over and Ren and I are on holiday now. We are both excited, because we have no school. We do, however have Summer homework :(.

I'm moving, so I've slowly started purging my closet of clothes and stuff. If there is enough interest, I could possibly do a give-away. But it's a maybe.

Travel wise, both Ren and I are staying in our city for most if not all of Summer. Some of my friends from other countries are coming, so I'll/we'll be hanging out with them and saying goodbye to people. What are your Summer plans?

Link to the song:

Now time for the look...
I go through lots of phases, and one of them was my Che phase. The tee is from that phase. The shorts I've had for a few months now (from Forever New), and they have featured in a few of my other looks. The shoes are just plain black sandals with studs on them. I got them so long ago and I've forgotten where they come from, and I've had the heels re-done so I can't check. If anyone knows, please tell me.

Lots of love,
 And have a good Summer
Bia xoxo